Manufactured Products Liability

    Comprehensive coverage for manufacturers of aircraft parts and components.

    Protecting you and the consumer.

    Aviation parts and components are manufactured all over the world. No matter what type of product, buyers expect them to operate correctly, be of acceptable quality and include proper instructions. However, products don’t always meet those expectations or standards and can cause injury because of design defects, manufacturing defects, malfunction, misuse or incorrect installation.
    For manufacturers supplying component parts to the aerospace industry, aviation manufactured products liability insurance is an important consideration when evaluating potential exposures to its business. An aviation manufactured products liability policy protects the manufacturer against third party legal liability arising from physical damage or bodily injury as a result of an alleged product failure or defect.

    Expertise in aviation.

    With more than 40 years of aviation insurance experience, Old Republic Aerospace understands the unique needs of aviation product manufacturers. Our underwriting team has specialized expertise of non-critical aerospace manufacturers, subcontractors and aviation component and part manufacturers. Features of our aviation manufactured products liability coverages include:

    • Liability limits up to $100 million CSL including property damage, bodily injury and grounding liability
    • Personal injury and advertising injury coverages
    • Airport premises liability coverage
    • Hangarkeepers' liability with option to include in-flight exposure
    • Contractual liability
    • Non-owned aircraft coverage
    • War and terrorism coverage
    • Dedicated, in-house claim management

    Now approved in all states except:
    Hawaii & Vermont


    Western US
    John Pristas 

    Central US
    Danny Bullard

    Eastern US
    Andrew Johnson

    Every great partnership starts with a conversation.

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